Flow My Thoughts, The Blogman Said
I have been reading Philip K. Dick's Flow My Tears, Said The Policeman this past week. I am gradually approaching the end of the novel and finding that I have really enjoyed the work. I liked the ideas behind Man in the High Castle, but didn't think it was a great piece of literature overall. Maybe I need to read it over again, but the writing just seemed weaker. It was an earlier novel, true enough, but Dick's style just didn't do it for me. Tried to read Ubik as well, but couldn't get into it and never finished it.
As I have stated elsewhere on this blog, I have a tricky relationship with literature. Science fiction I usually very suspicious of. I have friends who devour the genre as greedily as piranhas in a feeding frenzy. One friend is about as discriminating as a piranha when it comes to science fiction. (sorry man) My friend Gavin is a different story. He's very serious, discriminating and passionate about the genre and that tends to loan more weight to his opinions. Anyhow, he has been pushing me to read up on Dick's books.
I have been writing a fair amount for myself about the inconsistencies in my memory lately. I seem to remember things differently. Not like how Homer Simpson remembers things or people in denial about their own assorted inadequacies remember things, but things that shouldn't be remembered incorrectly in such a short span of time. Stuff like the new tower going in on the corner of Granville and Dunsmuir. Last week Thursday, I seem to recall construction mainly going on around the ninth or tenth floors. Yesterday I looked up and the almost have all the windows in. They can't possible work that fast can they?
Then there were the shops that seemed to switch places. I could swear the Latin American knick-knack shop was on the north side of Audiopile on the Drive one day and had switched places with the linens shop two day later. Two days after that they were back in their current spots. When I talked to the owner of Audiopile he told me the Latin American shop was always on the south side.
There are other things, but they are too assorted and random to bother with right now. I mentioned this to Gavin and he told me to read Flow my Tears. Maybe it was this experience that allowed me to get into Flow My Tears... more than the other works. Of course, there are no drugs involved in my experiences nor am I schizophrenic as I have been told Dick was.
But hey, maybe this isn't the Earth I grew up on. Maybe it is but I have been living somewhere else and have only just returned. Hmmm....
*** The spell check employed by Blogger is completely useless. I had an extra "r" in piranhas and these are the words it comes up with (in order):
prank's, paranoiac, primness, prance, pranks, prank, paranoiacs, praying, pureness, firmness. (firmness?!)
It also failed to make the correct suggestion for "amout". I had meant to type in "amount" but the spell check didn't even come up with that.