I gots me de binary blues...
Hello, sorry to have been so delinquent with my blogging. A few things at play here, not the least of which is that I have been having computer troubles -and those popped up right when I had something to say. That should be rectified soon enough, but until then no blogging. The keyboards here at work suck and I am also loathe to use themextensively for personal stuff. In the mean time I am sure that our scumbag Capitalist spammers from China will have lots of useless comments to try and redirect you over to some sex dating service site, so enjoy!!!
Sorry, do I know you? Your face is familiar. Perhaps I've seen you on TV?
I am currently co-starring in the pathological musical farce called "Pathology!" I'm that guy who does the thing and is going out with that woman with the hair.
You aren't a real pathologist, you just play one on the internet?
Nyuck, nyuck, nycuk!
For the record, I am not a pathologist, just in case someone gets the wrong idea. I assist them.
Geez, I wondered what happened to you. Was worried that your ex kidnapped you or something.
Nope, just a pesky virus or two or three hundred.
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