CD in Play: Neko Case, Fox Confessor Brings the FloodJust watched the 2005 remake of
The Quatermass Experiment, starring Jason Flemyng and David Tennant. Another example of how good writing and solid acting can overcome small budgets which would limit things like make up and special effects, making it a worthwhile contrast with how a show like Battlestar Galactica is done. My friend Gavin is my window into the world of British Sci-Fi, having introduced me to both
Doctor Who and
The 2005 remake was shot live for broadcast, something the BBC hadn't done in around 40 years. It was an impressive feat given all the locations they appeared to have had. I do realise that they would have to have been very close to the sets in the studio, but it is impressive none the less. The acting was quite solid and mistakes were minimal. I would love to see them do another Quatermass project with Flemyng in the titular role.
British Sci-Fi is often discarded by many of us here in North America, because of the cheap special effects and rubber mask aliens. We're prepared to overlook it when it comes to shows like the original
Star Trek and
Battlestar Galactica, but the Brits always seem to come off looking cheap in a way that is inexcusable for most. We can overlook the bad effects when it come to comedies like
Red Dwarf, but not if it is asking us to take it seriously. Of course, that attitude is hardly universal but most often it is the ones who have been more comfortably in touch with their inner nerd who can get beyond the cheap effects, rubber masks and bad costumes (See the
Doctor Who, "Robots of Death" serial) to focus in on the writing.
Trent (who had known Betty from a `zine called Phoenix) had been into what many of the rest of us considered to be the geekier end of the Sci-Fi spectrum. I remember trying to watch
Blake's 7 with him but just could make it through. Gavin had been trying for years to get me into his sort of sci-fi, but I was still fairly distant with that nerd within as were friends of mine like Elijah - who still recoils from his inner nerd when it gets too close. It took Farscape to get me over that hump, and even that is a big budget special effects bonanza that gets ridiculed by some for not being up to snuff with the major American franchises.
What Farscape had was writing and good characters, from there Doctor Who was easy. Once Gavin had shown me the first few serial of William Hartnell's Doctor and Jon Pertwee's turn in "The Green Death", it was easy to get interested in seeing the 1967 version
Quatermass and the Pit. And this brings me back to what I had intended to say long ago in relation to 2005's Quatermass production: effects are just dressing, good stories are well written and have and engaging characters.
I was always a bit saddened by the fact that Canadians would never have the budget to produce their own science fiction shows since we just don't have the money in our system. But a show like
The Quatermass Experiment demonstrates just who wrong that sort of thinking is - we can make good science fiction television. (and
The Lexx was not good science fiction television no matter how you slice it) It doesn't have to be shot live, it just needs a solid concept, good scripts, and engaging characters. I would also not worry about targeting the American market. Put out a worthwhile project and it will get picked up eventually in some capacity.