Current DVD loaded: 30 Days of Night. Still one scary vampire flick, definitely one of the best in the genre. Also better than the graphic novel - whic was pretty good to start with.
Current CD in the discman: Miles Davis, On the Corner after having played The Pixies, Surfa Rosa three days in a row.
Current song on iTunes: Acid Mother's Temple, "Crystal Rainbow Pyramid".
Current Reading: A Question of Blood by Ian Rankin. Had the hardest time getting through this one and have forgotten most of it. Also reading 100 Bullets in the collected format, great comic series. Puts Sin City to shame in many respects. Oh, and I am going over Vikings by Jonathan Clements again.
Current thought: Time to kick some sort of sense of social responsibility into Canada's Olympic athletes. Boycott the games in Beijing. Their training is not worth the ruined and lost lives, the pollution and all the many other problems faced and caused by China. Where are the Tommy Smiths, John Carlos' and Peter Norman's when you need them? All we seem to have are a bunch George Foremans. Shame on anyone who supports the Beijing Olympics. 1968 to 2008 and look how far we haven't come.